3 Steps For A Healthy Summer!

  1. Ease Back Into Exercise: Many of us have developed new habits over the past year during quarantine, many of them healthy habits like biking or running. As we ease back into the nice weather it’s not uncommon to see our patients overdo themselves in the first few weeks back to exercise. Although you may have worked up to a specific personal goal prior to the winter, or gotten used to a certain level of physical activity.

    It’s important to know that if you took time away from that specific activity during the winter, not properly leading back up to that level of exercise puts you at a very high risk of injury. So while your ego may be telling you to run that 5K your first time back out on that trail this summer, it is smarter to work back up to that level of exercise to avoid injury.

  2. Smart Road Tripping: Is it possible to have a summer vacation without spending quality time with your family on the road? Whether you’re making precious family memories driving down the shore every weekend, or planning that big long road trip to go see grandma and grandpa for the first time in a long time. It’s integral to pay attention to your biomechanics while you’re driving. Some tips that we give our patients and a lot of the time on the road are:

    • Pack a small pillow for low back support if your car doesn’t have a built-in lumbar support mechanism

    • Pay attention to your feet’ position! Both feet should always be even with each other to protect pelvis alignment. For example, if your right foot is on the gas/brake, then your left leg should NOT be bent, it should actually be extended off to the left side of the brake to maintain a proper pelvis positioning.

    • If you’re on an open road type of road trip, don’t be afraid to utilize cruise control if it is safe. This allows you to bend both knees and give the pelvis and low back a break.

3. Get Out And Move!: Motion is lotion whether it’s going for a hike, a light jog, a walk with your dog or your kids, or taking up a sport that helps fulfill your competitive side. Get out and enjoy the nice weather! These types of little changes that you make in your daily routine pay huge dividends down the road for your health. There’s no better time than now to start a new healthy habit with the nice weather and the increase in free time.

If you have any questions or please do not hesitate to reach out!

Jesse J. Suess, DC CCSP®
Waldwick Family Chiropractic, LLC
22 Wyckoff Ave., Suite 1

Waldwick, NJ 07463
(201) 972-6121
Click Here to Book an Appointment

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