Jon Maldonado
Massage therapist

Offering over 5 years of combined spa and medical massage experience, Jon Maldonado of Therapeutic Taction, LLC, is your one-stop-shop for your therapeutic needs. Providing customized at-home or in-facility relaxing, therapeutic, medical-based massage sessions. Medical massage experience and certification invite everyday workers, high school athletes, professional athletes, average gym go-ers, pre/post-op patients, and acute and chronic pain individuals.

Offering flexible and full session duration, affordable pricing/packaging, and knowledge in more than one modality. This combination allows for you to get worked on more often springing you to faster results. With experience also comes knowing when to refer an individual to a doctor, orthopedist, or specialist if the circumstances deem necessary. Its been done before for the betterment of the patient/client and to help keep a good reputation.

Don't let pain and tightness get in the way of you or someone you know in life and hobbies. Use your complimentary first-time client discounted massage and get an evaluation and recommended course of action.

Insured by AMTA
Certified in CPR, AED, and First Aid
Licensed Massage Therapist and Medical Massage Practitioner
KT Tape Practitioner
Certified Cupping Therapist