Avoiding Pain This Fall - 3 Easy Steps!

Avoiding Pain This Fall - 3 Easy Steps!

The fall weather is finally here to stay! Although autumn in the New York Metropolitan area is one of the most beautiful times of year, the declining temperatures often bring back those annoying aches and pains that we seemed to forget about during the warm summer months. Here are three easy tips to help you avoid flare-ups of chronic pain during the autumn season.

1.     Wear a Scarf!

Saving yourself from nagging neck pain and keeping up with fall fashion trends all in one? Consider it a “two birds with one stone” type of situation. When we leave our neck and ears exposed to cold temperature we tend to shrug our shoulders in attempt to keep warm. This constant shrugging can be a big contributor to muscular imbalances in the upper back and neck, leading to conditions like “pinched nerves” or “wry neck”. Something as simple as wearing a scarf can save you from such a big pain in the neck, especially if you commute to the city, or spend a lot of time walking in the elements. So go buy yourself a new fashionable scarf for the autumn season, doctor’s orders!

2.     Get Moving!

Often times the summer is when we tend to break those healthy exercise and diet habits that we work so hard on during the rest of the year. Who can blame us with all the barbecues and beach weather?! But when September rolls around we often feel ourselves starting back at square one. All of that immobility leads to tight muscles and stiff joints. Use this time to start easing back into activities you enjoy, or trying something new like Martial Arts or Yoga. Whatever it is that you enjoy, put an emphasis on moving your body and decrease your chance of ending up in our tables a few times per week! Motion is lotion!

3.     Ice, Ice, Baby!

As the temperature drops, we tend to start digging out the heat packs, or rediscovering the heated seats in our cars. This feels very good on a nice cold day, but what you might not realize is that you’re creating the perfect environment for the spread of inflammation. We strongly recommend that you save the heat packs and heated seats for early mornings or late at night (assuming you’re not in acute pain), and AVOID these luxuries at all costs after you have done anything to stress your low back (please don’t put your heated seats on during your ride home from the gym on leg day)! As always, we recommend using ice for 20 minutes following any activity that puts stress or strain on the area to help control inflammation! If you would like more clarification on this, please check out our blog article The Great Debate: Heat Vs. Ice!

The last thing we want is to see you limping in our office in pain! Follow these three easy lifestyle changes, and don’t forget to stop in for your monthly wellness check-ups to remain healthy and active this autumn season!

Yours in health, 
Dr. Jesse Suess & Staff!

Suess Family Chiropractic, LLC
22 Wyckoff Ave., Suite #1
Waldwick, NJ 07463
(201) 972-6121