More Headaches Since Working From Home? WATCH THIS!

One of the more common questions we get from our patients when it comes to workstation ergonomics, especially now with all the work from home situations here in the Waldwick, NJ community, is whether or not they should be using a standing desk. I always tell my patients to be cautious with this situation. 

Believe it or not, standing incorrectly can actually be worse than sitting incorrectly. Oftentimes, when you get tired in a standing posture, you tend to hike your hip to one side. Or maybe you cross your leg or lean up on something. That can cause a lot of pelvic instability and pelvic rotation that can lead to low back or hip pain.

What we recommend here at Waldwick Family Chiropractic is investing in what I refer to as a “convertible desk”. A convertible desk is a desk that can be a standing desk which allows you to stand properly but can also be brought down to be a seated desk as well. You want a desk that allows you to rotate between standing correctly and sitting correctly every 45 minutes to avoid fatigue. Oftentimes, fatigue leads to those postures that cause injury.

Chiropractor - Jesse J. Suess, DC

Jesse J. Suess, DC CCSP®
Waldwick Family Chiropractic, LLC
22 Wyckoff Ave., Suite 1

Waldwick, NJ 07463
(201) 972-6121
Click Here to Book an Appointment

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